Specializing in innovative collaboration


At Canatek Incorporated, we utilized our long standing background in energy monitoring systems to bring our own brand of outstanding Iot products to market. We welcome you to visit the energy monitoring systems tab of our website for complete information related to the functionality of our cost effective systems.

In 2014 we expanded our company and collaborated with Rexense Inc. (2011) as our primary technology, manufacturing and marketing partner for North America.

With extensive experience in the use of ZigBee SEP related to AMI/AMR, the engineers at Rexense have applied the use of ZigBee technology into a variety of meaningful applications.

Today, we are proud to offer state of the art technology products and solutions which comply with ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 standar

As an accredited member of the ZigBee Alliance, Rexense products include,:

  •  ZigBee SEPproducts related to AMI/AMR (electricity, gas & water)
  • a complete series of ZigBee wireless communications modules,
  • ZigBee wireless data collectors, gateways
  • BMS (Building Management Systems) and related application software
  • ZigBee home automation & security systems
  • Building control HVAC, logistics management
  • Industrial data acquisition and control
  • In North America, we are currently working in cooperation with other technology partners

Currently we have:

  • proven R&D capability for internal and 3 party development for other companies
  • 20 patents (in place or pending)
  • RexBee Private Profile with our plug and play end to end solution
  • Standard Profile HA1.1 and SE 1.1
  • ZLL(Development Key)
  • FCC & Industry Canada certified devices and modules
  • ISO9001 certification

Whether you require off the shelf high technology products, specialized ZigBee products, modules for your own ZigBee development projects, or contract ZigBee development services, we have the expertise and proven engineering resources to meet any challenge.